Company Principals:

David McCreary

Founded Sailing Source in 1994, built the first ISAF website in 1995. Brought much of the sailing industry online in the early days of the internet.

Inducted into the Society of International Nautical Scribes in 1996 for work on the ISAF's Olympic Games website. Lifelong sailor and boardsailor, editor of the Scuttlebutt Europe newsletter. 

Father of three and graduate of Cornell University's College of Arts & Sciences in 1977, independent BA in religion and philosophy.

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Skype: dmccreary

Thomas Quinnan McCreary

Partner and co-owner of Sailing Source. Graduate of Christopher Newport University with a BS in Computer Engineering.

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our developer team...

We work with a team of design, CSS, database and CMS experts from around the world, based in North and South America, Europe and Asia. We speak a lot of languages... both human and computer...

Website Design

We provide website design services that are both beautiful and fuctional. All of our websites are Joomla based and are designed to work on all mobile devices and computers. Your website can say a lot about your business, what would you like yours to convey?


Search Engine Optimization is critical in making sure your website shows up first when someone searches for the products your provide. Higher results mean more traffic to your website and could mean more business. We give you the edge against your top competition in the market.

Web Hosting

Our webhosting comes with support and 99% uptime. We also provide email accounts and FTP access for all of your users. Included with Joomla installs is our advanced CDN, two level caching, anti-hack extensions, and many more premium subscription extensions at no extra cost to you.

Content Management Systems

We provide training and support so that you can be in control of your own website. Publish content and images with ease after watching our helpful instructional videos.